Best Budget Friendly Planters Online

Yesterday I shared my 25 favorite faux plants blog and so many people told me how much they loved it.  So, I have decided to do another highly requested blog, a list of my favorite budget-friendly planters.  These are some of my favorite planters that are currently being sold online.  I have used most of the ones I own to for planting my real plants but you could also use some faux plants if you like.  As an added bonus for all my blog readers, I am also sharing a few of my favorite plant stands.  

Best Budget Friendly Planters

I own the majority of these planters but I did add a few that I’ve got my eye on.  Here are my favorite budget-friendly planters from stores like Target, Walmart, Amazon, etc.  

Bonus: Plant Stands

I absolutely love my planters in my home and on our front porch and back patio.  You can see how I used some of these planters in my outdoor patio makeover blog.

Happy Shopping!


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