Our Love Story
Hey y’all! Today is our 17th wedding anniversary. We thought it would be a fun way to celebrate by sharing our love story with you since so many of you have requested it. We hope you enjoy reading our story.
Our Love Story
Aubrey: Our love story started in the summer of 2001. We were both working at an amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio called Cedar Point. We didn’t know each other at the time but we did have mutual friends and Ken’s younger brother was dating one of my close friends who wanted to introduce us all summer. If you’ve ever worked at an amusement park you know you work some pretty long hours and it was no different at Cedar Point. We went nearly the entire summer without meeting each other.
Ken: That’s right. It wasn’t until late in the summer when we were both invited to a mutual friends birthday party that we finally met. I was super shy and had a hard time talking to pretty girls. lol My brother pointed Aubrey out across the room and that’s when I realized, I had seen her multiple times in the break area at work. I never talked to her, again, super shy and she was gorgeous so that made it even more difficult for me to approach her in my mind.
Aubrey: You’re crazy. lol
Ken: With the encouragement from my brother and friends, I finally got the guts to go and talk to this beautiful girl. I honestly don’t even remember how I broke the ice. We started talking and hung out the rest of the night. Before she left, I asked for a quick picture. That was the greatest moment of the night!

Aubrey: It was so special. Ken was so sweet and he had the most contagious big smile. I knew he was special from the start. Even though he had a terrible mustache! Yuck! lol
Aubrey: A few days later, I was leaving for home. It was the end of the summer for me and I had to get back home for college. Ken’s college started a little later than mine so he stayed for another week, then went to work at Six Flags a couple hours away with his older brother for a few more weeks. I briefly saw him one last time and we exchanged emails. I didn’t hear from him for a few days and then finally he emailed.
Ken: Again, super shy. lol
Aubrey: So I replied to his email and the next day he finally called. Sadly, I was leaving to attend to my Grandfather’s funeral.
Ken: I finally call and it’s at the absolute worst time!
Aubrey: That was a tough time for my family. My Grandpa Art was like a father to me and I loved him dearly. I’ve always regretted that Ken never got to meet him because I know he would have loved him as much as me. (He served in the Navy in World War II)
Ken: Even though we never met, I feel like I knew him from all the stories I’ve heard over the years. I wish I would have had a strong male role model like him in my life. After a few weeks, I finally made it to Pittsburgh, PA where I was going to school. Aubrey and I had been talking on the phone during that time. She made plans with some of her friends to come visit me in Pittsburgh. As you can tell, I was excited to see her again!

Aubrey: Please ignore my hair, lol, not sure what was going on there. Anyway, from there we really hit it off. We went on our official first date to a Smash Mouth concert where Ken kissed me for the first time. It started raining a little so we got under a blanket to shield ourselves from the rain.
Ken: I figured this was my best shot. If she slapped me, at least no one would see it. lol

Ken: We dated long distance for a few months. Aubrey was going to school in West Virginia and I was in Pittsburgh. I didn’t have a car so Aubrey would drive to visit me on the weekends. I also didn’t have a phone, so I would walk up the street to a pay phone where Aubrey would call me and we talked for hours, as long as no one else needed to use the phone. lol
Aubrey: Let’s be honest, I did most of the talking. You did most of the listening. lol
Ken: You are so right! I barely talked. lol I honestly just liked being on the phone with you. 😉

Ken: The next summer we went back to Cedar Point to work and dated the entire summer. I made a dumb guy move and bought Aubrey a ring for her birthday with no intention of proposing. Look at the smile on Aubrey’s face. Was I always this clueless? Rhetorical question, don’t answer that! lol

Ken: It wasn’t until after that summer at Cedar Point that I worked up the courage to ask her to marry me.
Aubrey: Don’t stop there. Tell them where you proposed.
Ken: In her mother’s basement. I don’t even know why you said yes. I was such an idiot! lol
Aubrey: We set the date nearly a year later. 10 months later to be exact. Ken switched colleges to attend West Liberty State College with me and he picked up a full time job as a Security Guard. I was also working as a receptionist at a local hair salon and waitressing at a country music concert venue.
Ken: Being a full time student and full time security guard was challenging to say the least. I could barely keep up with my school work and the security job wanted me to put in a ridiculous amount of hours, as much as 70 a week with a full college schedule. I struggled to keep up.
Aubrey: We were married July 19th, 2003. It was a small ceremony at the church I grew up in and my family’s pastor married us which made it that much more special.

Ken: Best day of my life!
Aubrey: It was only a few months after our wedding, we were watching a tv show that had Navy wives and I said, “I think it would be so cool to be a Navy wife.” That’s when Ken told me he was thinking about joining the military. That was quite a shock, I had NO idea!
Ken: That’s how you know God is directing your path. I had been thinking about joining the military for months but never said anything to Aubrey. That statement totally confirmed it for me. That’s what God was calling me to do.
Ken: I went to see a Navy recruiter later that week and within a few months, I was off to Navy boot camp, leaving my new wife behind for a few months while the Navy trained me how to be a Sailor. I was actually in boot camp during our first anniversary.
Aubrey: That should have been a sign to us then that you would end up missing most of our anniversary’s due to military duties and travel. lol
Ken: Right? In August of 2004, I graduated boot camp and finally got to see my wife again. She drove up to Great Lakes and we got to hang out together for a few days before flying out to Mississippi for more training.

Ken: Once I completed training in Mississippi I received my first set of orders to Fort Dix, NJ. It was the first time I got to take military leave and see my family since I joined almost a year ago.
Aubrey: A move to New Jersey was a little scary. I was leaving my hometown where all of my family and friends were, not knowing a soul other than Ken. Honestly, it was probably one of the best things for us. We had to completely rely on each other. Our marriage grew really strong that first year we were in New Jersey.
Ken: I wouldn’t change it for anything. It was an amazing start to our young marriage. All we had was each other and that’s all we needed. Sorry, that sounded like a country song. lol
Aubrey: After a few months we had got into a flow. Ken spent most of the day at work and I picked up a job as a cashier at the Exchange on base. That’s when we decided to try for our first baby. 10 months later we had Layla. She was everything I dreamed of and more. I had no idea how becoming a mom would change my life. All of a sudden I knew my purpose. Becoming parents made our relationship even stronger.

Ken: Without a doubt. Layla’s had me wrapped since day one. Look how young we look in those pictures. I still had some hair! lol.
Ken: When Layla was about 2 years old I received my second set of orders to Willow Grove, PA. This time I was headed to sea duty in an aviation squadron. About a year into those orders, we found out we were having another baby. We were so excited and were both hoping it would be a boy so we would have one of each. Little did we know God had something even better planned!
Aubrey: My baby belly this time around was MUCH bigger than with Layla. Everyone said it was the second baby and that was normal. I didn’t think much of it and figured it had a lot to do with the nonstop Angel Food Cake I craved (and ate lol). I went in for an ultrasound at 15 weeks and we received the surprise of our lives. We were having TWO babies!!!
Ken: I couldn’t be there for the ultrasound but when you told me over the phone I jumped straight up out of my seat! Everyone in my office thought I had lost my mind.
Aubrey: I carried the twins to 39 weeks and I still remember how huge and miserable I was. My feet and hands were numb the entire last month of my pregnancy and I couldn’t fit in our CRV to drive. Literally my belly was massive! I would share a belly pic but I wouldn’t want to scare you. lol But it was all worth it the moment I saw them. They were both almost 7 pounds and the most beautiful and perfect babies I have ever seen.

Ken: What an amazing day that was! And you were a rockstar! We were both nervous to have 2 at once but they really were such good babies, and sleepers!
Aubrey: When Layla was 4 and the boys were almost 2, Ken received orders to Washington, D.C. That meant we were packing up all our things and on the move again.
Ken: I was returning to shore duty and that meant I wouldn’t be away all the time. The D.C. move wasn’t bad but that duty was rough. I didn’t realize how much time I would need to put in at work. The best part about it though was we lived on base. Work was a short 7-8 minutes away. I drove home and had lunch with my family every day.
Aubrey: It was so nice having that time with you. The kids loved to see you come through that door everyday.
Ken: We were only there for two years before I changed my job and received orders to Jacksonville, FL. Another aviation squadron, but with the new job, I knew I wouldn’t be gone so much.
Aubrey: We were so excited to head south! All we both knew was living in the snow belt and we were ready for a change.
Ken: Because we had so many issues with base housing in D.C., we decided to buy a home in Jacksonville. We found this beautiful, brand new build in a small subdivision and knew it was right for us.

Aubrey: Our time in Jacksonville was probably the most enjoyable time in Ken’s Navy career. We owned our first home, found an amazing church, and met some great friends that became family. We were “done” having kids, or so I thought. Ken got baby fever and before we knew it I was pregnant with our fourth child.

Ken: We call Sawyer our surprise baby, not because we didn’t plan for him but because it was a surprise we wanted another baby. We were set on not having any more kids but I was able to convince Aubrey we needed one more. Nine months later and our sweet Sawyer was born.

Aubrey: He has been such a blessing to our family. Due to the large age gap, the older 3 all adore him and are very protective. Sawyer has no idea how blessed he is to have all of us waiting on his every need. lol One month after Sawyer was born, the Navy moved us to Houston, TX. We stayed in Houston for three grueling years. It was one of the most difficult times of Ken’s Navy career. Leaving Jacksonville was hard on all of us. This was the first move all the kids would remember. We were thriving in Jacksonville and didn’t want to leave. But we completely trusted God had sent us to Houston for a reason.
Ken: Yes, Houston was extremely difficult but because of that we had grown closer than ever. Aubrey started her Instagram account and the whole world got to see how amazing she was. Her account grew quickly and before she knew it, she was getting offers to collaborate with some incredible companies. I fully believe that is the reason God sent us to Houston.
Aubrey: Looking back I definitely agree. We were “comfortable” in Jacksonville and crazy busy. Both great things but God had to pull us out of our comfort zone and put us somewhere that we didn’t know a soul. It forced me to search for a creative outlet and new relationships, and I found that in my IG account. I truly believe if we had not left Jacksonville the first time, you wouldn’t be reading this right now. When I started my Instagram I had no clue what I was doing. Let’s be honest, I’m still not a pro and I’m learning as I go, but God has without a doubt made my path clear and He 100% gets the credit.
Ken: Most of you know the rest, we received orders back to Jacksonville to my dream job, we bought 40 acres of land, and we are building our forever home. God willing, I’ll retire from this command and have the freedom to be a present father and help Aubrey run her blog full time . I’m anxious to support her just like she’s supported me through all these years. God is good y’all!

Aubrey: He still makes me laugh! lol

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Such a beautiful story! May God continue to bless you all :)))
Kathleen Dillon
Oh my goodness what an awesome love story, Happy Anniversary 🍾🥂 thank you for sharing your lives with us. Such a sweet family your love shines thru your page
Debi Miller
Loved reading your love story. My husband is a Marine and we always say that being alone together and so far from our home and family the first couple years of our marriage was so good for us. We only had each other to rely on. God Bless you both and your family.
Yes! We feel the same. It brought us closer together.
What a beautiful story! I love how you both give God all the glory and credit for leading and everything! I just found you on IG and I look forward to following you there and here on your blog. Blessings to you both.
Melissa Kidwell
SO sweet! I love your story!❤️Thanks for sharing, guys and happy Anniversary! May the Lord bless you and your beautiful family even more abundantly these next 17 years and beyond😊
This is the sweetest thing I have ever read 💕😭 so happy for you and your family! Happy anniversary!!!
What a beautiful story! Getting out of your comfort zone and relying on one another is definitely one of the best ways to grow closer to your significant other. Your faith and family is such an inspiration.
Without a doubt! It was exactly the start we needed and set our marriage up for success.
Renee W.
What a beautiful love story! Sending your family lots of love and good wishes for many, many more anniversaries to come. ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much!
Thanks for sharing. I’ve been around for a couple of years now and am grateful for all you have shared. Fun fact: pretty sure we were in NJ at the same time, but we were on the AF side, McGuire. 😊
How funny. I worked at the AAFES on McGuire AFB. 🙂
Maria Santarone
What a beautiful young couple and what a sweet story. It’s definitely the journey that matters more than the destination.
Thank you! 🙂
Love this! Hubby & I followed similar paths. Married young (at 19, he was 21) and lived all over the world courtesy of the USAF. Happy Anniversary!! May God continue to bless the Swann family! 💖
Thank you! This Navy life is definitely challenging at times but it has also been very good to our family. /Ken
Rita Reyes
What a beautiful love story 🥰 – knowing your full background makes me love your entire family even more – I have purchased & saved so much watching your IG page – so Thank You – I agree with the others that say you make everyone feel like their your close friend – in closing – I want to thank your entire family for your service to our country!!
Thank you so much!!
Kim Delaney
Such a sweet story, and I love it all the more since I was born and raised in Pittsburgh!
We spent a lot of time in Pittsburgh growing up 😉
Seriously made me tear up 😭❤️ I love love story’s 😍and God is truly amazing ! Everything happens for a reason ❤️
God’s timing is always perfect 😉
Such a sweet story. Thank you for sharing.
What a sweet love story!! And I can see every one of your kids faces in your younger selves!
Thank you!
Yolanda McLean
What a beautiful story!
Thank you for reading 😉
This is precious! I grew up just 20 minutes from cedar point. My mom and dad met there as well as his 2 other brothers met their wives there! I have so many amazing relationships that developed as a result of working the summers there. What did you all do? I worked in wardrobe for a summer and live entertainment for 2 summers. It makes my heart happy to know that another relationship formed as a result of my most favorite place! God bless you and your family!
(From Ken) Hey Stephanie! That’s awesome how so many of your family worked there and met they’re significant others. My older brother actually met his wife while working there too. Aubrey and I both worked in Ride Ops. I worked on Mean Streak and Antique Cars and Aubrey worked in the Camp Snoopy and Junior Gemini areas. A lot has changed since then. Mean Streak isn’t even there anymore. It really was a blast working there in the summers and getting to meet so many wonderful people. God Bless!
I am in love with your sweetheart 💕 pictures!! You’re the All-american love story!! I’m so happy to know you and know you’re living in our community. If only the whole world could be filled with love stories like yours. xoxo