Our Young Living Essential Oils Journey
Hey y’all. If you follow me on Instagram I have shared about our love of Young Living essential oils. I asked in my Instagram stories if you would like me to write a blog about our essential oils journey and the answer was a resounding YES! With that type of response, I knew this blog was a must.
Many people are very curious about essential oils and either don’t know where to start or are a bit intimidated by it all. All I want to say is, I get it. I was in your shoes when I first started researching oils and I was astounded by what I found. But before we get in to that, let me start with why we decided to take the plunge into essential oils.
In The Beginning...
Our journey began in 2014 when our sweet Layla was in third grade. Her teacher noticed Layla had a difficult time focusing in class. If you knew her when she was that age, you would understand why. Ken and I would classify Layla as a free spirit. Often in her own world of unicorns and rainbows. Her Pre-School teacher awarded her the “Most Likely to be on Broadway” award. lol

During a meeting with Layla’s 3rd grade teacher, she asked me if we ever had Layla tested for ADD or ADHD to which I replied no. After discussing things over with Ken, we decided to get her tested. Once we finished the mountain of paperwork, the results came back and determined Layla, without a doubt, had ADD.

Our Difficult Medication Decision
Her doctor was quick to recommend medication. Ken and I didn’t want to do medication but he offered, what he called, a more natural medication called Strattera so we thought we would give it a try. The medication did help Layla focus but it had other side effects. Our sweet little girls’ personality changed almost immediately.
She became paranoid, irritable, and lethargic. She would be so wonderfully kind one minute then have huge fits of anger the next and then walk around the house like a zombie. It pained us to see her like this so we made the decision to remove her from the medicine and began researching natural ways to help with her focus. Once she was off the medicine, we had our Layla back!

Why Young Living?
That’s when I started researching natural remedies for ADD which led me to the essential oils community. The more I researched the more I was intrigued. Could this really help our Layla with her focus without changing her personality like the medication?
I showed Ken what I found and we agreed to give it a try. We decided to go with Young Living because of the enormous effort they make in keeping their oils completely natural. Their “Seed To Seal” standard is priceless. We found that not all essential oils are created equally and some companies add synthetics, contaminants, or cheap fillers that leave you with very little actual oil.
They have a large community that is very helpful for newbies like us with a ton of questions. There are boards and social media pages where you can follow along and ask questions of other oil users in the community that have more experience. That was extremely helpful for us as we started our journey.
It was in these groups where I discovered a mixture of oils that would change Layla’s life. They recommended using a mixture of these oils and suggested we apply it to the bottoms of her feet and lower back on her spine. It seemed weird to us at first but we were willing to give it a try. We are thankful we did! It was a huge success!

Later we added an oil diffuser necklace that helped Layla stay calm throughout the day. When she would get antsy, she would tell us that she would smell her necklace and it would calm her down. We became full fledged believers in essential oils.
Now I'm a Believer!
With the overwhelming success we had with Layla, we started looking at other areas we could use oils. Ken started using oils for muscle pain after workouts and he loved their Valor oil for his chronic back pain. We started using oils in place of many of our cleaning products around our home. I even began supplementing my thyroid medication with their Endoflex oil.
We also use oil diffusers around the house for a multitude of reasons. Some oils like Thieves and RC help with cold symptoms while others like Lavender and Dream Catcher help with sleeping. We even take diffusers with us when we travel and stay in hotels. When Sawyer was born, we used a diffuser in the delivery room and the doctor and nurses loved it. We currently have a diffuser in every room in our home and Ken uses a diffuser in his office at work.
We also found that diffusing certain mixtures in your home during different seasons is much like burning scented candles but without the chemicals. I still use some candles because I like the ambiance and moderations is key to me. 😉 These are our favorite Fall and Christmas time mixtures.
The Young Living community has been life changing for our family so I thought I would share our experience with y’all. Many people are on the fence and just don’t know where to start. If any of our experience hits home then I would suggest giving it a try!
To get started, you’ll need to sign up as a Young Living member and purchase the premium starter kit. This kit is great because it comes with all the oils you’ll need to get started along with one of their diffusers. Then you can always order additional oils later as needed with your 24% discount!! If you sign up under me you’ll receive exclusive access to our Young Living essential oils Facebook group where we can answer questions and learn together. Also a welcome mailer with some fun info and items to get you started!
We also use Amazon for things like extra glass bottles, roller ball applicators, holders, etc. I’ve also shared on my Instagram some of the diffusers we use from Target. I’ll link some items we use below for your convenience.

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We love YLEO! I love hearing others stories, and seeing these sweet pix of Layla, Jax, and Wyatt when they were small is a sweet little bonus!! I began for my health, and began using Cedarwood to encourage sleeping thru the night, And Progessence Plus to aid in Feminine hormone balance. Now my cabinet is filled to overflowing with oils I use daily on me, my husband and children. I cook with the vitality line too 😉. Thanks for sharing, Aubrey!
Amanda Lamoureux
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have been struggling with my oldest in kindergarten. His preschool teacher had made a comment about getting him tested and I told her I would but I am not putting him on medication and will still not today. I will definitely look further into YL.
(From Ken) Hi Amanda! We completely understand your desire to not put your son on medication. From our personal experience, it wasn’t worth it. Doctors don’t want to say it but there are alternatives to medication and the oils worked great for our Layla.
Thanks for sharing Aubrey! Love everything you do. Keep up the good work! God bless
Thanks for sharing! Did you have to try several different combinations before you found something that worked for Layla or was that the first combination of oils you tried and it worked?
Love all that you do!
(From Ken) Hello Amy! No, we didn’t try any other combinations on Layla. The first one we tried worked great. Aubrey did so much research and this combo was always what was recommended for Layla’s ADD.
Rebeca Oviedo
What a beautiful story, thanks for sharing! The price of essential oils has always scared me but when I read stories like yours it makes me want to just buy it all!!
We use YL EO’s too. My youngest, now 26, is ADHD and intellectual challenged. She is on Strattera which is the only med that worked for her. While is school she was also on two other meds but have since stopped them due to success we found for her in using the oils and supplements. It’s amazing!
Hi Aubrey
Would you mind sharing the amounts you used for the combo of oils for Layla? Did you mix that in a carrier oil as well? Hoping this helps my oldest!
Thank you so much for sharing! I know so many people that use oils and I believe they work, I just haven’t thought of using them for my son with his focus issues…total duh brain moment. This gives me a good kick in the pants to give it a shot for him, especially with this remote learning. He’s struggling so much this year (6th grade.) Thanks again Aubrey!! ❤️
Hi Audrey!
I just saw your post on Instagram in your stories. Thanks for linking your blog. This is so helpful. I’ve been thinking about signing up for a few years but get overwhelmed with it all but have also read essential oils can be bad for dogs, which I have. I need to do more research on that. But, wanted to say thanks for sharing. We don’t like taking pharma in our household so this really hit home for me. My son has ADHD and cognitive delays. We took him off his meds as he got older, but agree, it changes them. He was always quiet while it first taken. He’d become himself when it wore off at night. I need to try this for him as well as my anxiety. You just answered my question about whether I should sign up!!! Now, just have to do more research on the pup thing. Thanks so much
Sarah Estes
This is us!!! My daughter was also asked by her third grade teacher to be tested. And same results. We do have her on medication but she hates taking it. Can I ask how many times a day you apply it? I can’t wait to try this out in my now 12 yo to see if it works for her. Thank you!!
Michele Carroll
Hi! Thanks for the inspo! Currently looking into medication for our son again to help w school, which is a road I really don’t want to go down again- going to give that combo a try! He won’t wear a necklace I’d imagine? Any other ideas to make it portable for him so he can have it on him?
Thanks so much for posting this today you’ve given me hope to try something else before we seek meds again !
Belinda Whittehouse (IG: treerockranch)
I have never tried this brand. I would love to win it!! Little Layla is so adorable!!😍
Anna Rosa
Thank you Aubrey. My nephew has ADHD. I am going to pass this information onto my sister to see if this can help him so he can get off the medication. Thank you so much. This is all great information.